Statue of Unity & TOP 10 STATUES OF THE WORLD

welcome to tips4you. Statue of Unity: World's Highest 'Iron Man'

lets us know which are the most popular top 10 statues of the world.
iron man

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who is called by the name  "Iron Man",INDIA is celebrating is celebrating his birth anniversary today 31 OCTOBER. In this case, the Statue of Unity, the world's highest statue, will be unveiled at this special occasion. on this special occasion,lets know about the tall and popular top 10 statues of the world.

'Iron Man' Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel's Statue of Unity is located in  Gujarat,INDIA. This statue is the highest statue in the world and its height is 182 meters. It is located at a distance of 3.2 km from the Sardar Sarovar dam on the river Narmada. On the other hand, if you look at the world's second tap 10 statues, then there are six most statues of Buddhism.

'Spiraling Temple Buddha'

Buddha's statue is considered among the world's most popular idols. After 'Statue of Unity' highest statue now have 'Spearang Temple Buddha'. This image of Buddha is located in  Henan Province of China. Its height is 153 meters. This statue made of copper is standing on 20 meters long artificial flower of lotus. It was made in 2002.

Lekun setcare '

The second highest statue is Buddha's 'Lekun Setcare'. It is located in Burma. Its height is 130 meters. This was made in year 2008.

'Ushiku Daibutsu'

The world's third popular statue is also of Lord Buddha. It is located in Osaka, Japan. It is known as 'Ushiku Daibutsu'. The height of this statue is 120 meters. It is standing on the lotus flower of 10 meters long.


After this, the world's fourth highest statue is of the Guayan.this statue is located in China.The height of this statue is 108 meters. It is considered a symbol of love and compassion in Buddhism.

'Yan and Huang'

The fifth highest statue of the world is made in memory of China's Yamamat Yan and Huang. This statue was established in the year 2007. Its total height is 106 meters. It is located in Henan province.

'Sentai daikanon'

The sixth highest statue in the world is also the Sendai daikanon of Mahatma Buddha. This statue is located in Sendai of Japan. Its height is 100 meters. Tourists take a lift to go to its tap. This statue shows Japanese Buddhist Bodhisattva Kannan.

'Peter the Great Statue'

After this, the list includes 'Peter the Great Statue' in Murthi Russia. Its height is 98 meters. It has been made in the memory of King Peter I, who ruled Russia for 43 years. Established in 1997, in this idol there is 600 tonnes of steel and bronze.

'Statue of Liberty'

The fourth most popular statue is in New York, America. Here is the 'Statue of Liberty'. This statue is considered a symbol of Goddess of peace. This statue is 93 meters high.

Great Buddha of Thailand

The world's Top Ten high statues include the Great Buddha of Thierland. This statue is located in Wat Maung Monastery of Thong province. Its height is 92 meters. This statue made of cement was made in 2008. There is a golden color painted in it.

'The Motherland Calles'

After this, the name of 'The Motherland Calles' comes in the name of the statues. This statue is located in Volgograd of Russia. This statue, which is considered as the Mother Goddess, is 85 meters high.

'Christ the Redeemer'

in the end Brazil's 'Christ the Redeemer' is an idol. This idol of Jesus Christ is made in Rio de Janeiro. The height of this statue is 38 meters.
